Saturday, December 28, 2019

"Lost Forests of New England" film in Barnstable, MA

Our friends on Cape Cod will have an opportunity to view a screening of Lost Forests of New England on January 14, 2020, in Barnstable, MA. The event will be held in the Sturgis Library at 6pm, and is free, although pre-registration is requested and advised.

Ancient Massachusetts Hemlock Forest

The film depicts what our primeval central New England forests looked like before European settlement 400 years ago, and what has become of them since.

The phenomenon known as "sheep fever", which was responsible for rapid wholesale clearing of our New England lands, is described by ecologist and author Tom Wessels. Harvard Forest scientists David Foster, David Orwig, and Neil Pederson are featured in the film, as are Tony D'Amato (University of Vermont), Peter Dunwiddie (University of Washington, formerly with MA Audubon), and Joan Maloof (founder of the Old Growth Forest Network). Old-growth forest expert Bob Leverett ties the story together, having played a central role in the discovery and documentation of much of the state's remnant old growth stands (as well as in many other states).

The 2018 film has been very well received and continues to be presented in local venues in New England.

To register for the Barnstable event, visit the library's website.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Eastern White Pine Documentary Film at Arcadia

"Eastern White Pine- the Tree Rooted in American History," our latest New England Forests documentary film, will be presented at the Mass Audubon Arcadia Wildlife Sanctuary in Easthampton, MA, on Wednesday, January 15, 2020.

Old Growth Eastern White Pines

The one-hour documentary uses vintage images, new footage, and aerial views to tell the 4-century story of the eastern white pine's critical contribution to America's founding and history. You may be surprised to learn how significant a role the tree played in this country's formation. And the white pine's importance to wildlife and people is related by three experts in their respective fields: famed Minnesota wildlife biologist Lynn Rogers; Trinity College neuroscientist Professor Susan Masino; and nationally known old-growth forest expert Bob Leverett.  

Bob Leverett and a White Pine

Following the film, there will be a Q&A session with a panel comprised of Bob Leverett, co-author of the Sierra Guide to Ancient Forests of the Northeast; Professor Susan Masino; botanist Jared Lockwood; and naturalist/filmmaker Ray Asselin.

Registration for the 7pm program is required (here); don't wait to register, these events have been very popular!

Further screenings of the film are scheduled for other venues and will be announced on this blog.

More information and a short trailer can be found in our September 7, 2019 post (click here).